Wednesday 28 March 2012

Week 07 - Copyright, CC, Etc

Week 07 Worksheet Link

Case Study One

George Harrison ' My Sweet Lord' (1970) vs The Chiffons 'He's So Fine' (1963)

5=Exactly the same 4=Very similar 3=Somewhat alike 2=Barely the same 1=Not alike in any way

Melody:  3 
Harmony/Chordal Structure:  3 
Rhythm:  3 
Tempo:  4 
Lyrics:  1 
Instruments:  3 

1. How else are the two songs similar? 
I think they give a similar feel, a very relaxed feel.

2. How are the two songs different? 
Completely Different Style.                              

Case Study Two

Lebbeus Woods Drawing vs Universal Studios '12 Monkeys'.

Was this chair the same chair the Woods had drawn?
I think it was, the resemblance is obvious, no just the chair but the entire scene, the producers even admitted looking at the image.

Case Study Three

Keir Smith 'Oh So Criminal' YouTube Video

Do you think his work is ‘illegal’? should it be?

No, I don think it should be illegal, I think that as most of the work has been edited so that only parts of the work is shown, with sounds not from the respective videos, I think that this mix should be allowed. possibly some of the speeches may have need permissions, but I think overall not even that should matter too much.


Original Photo By William Warby

This image comes under 'Attribution CC BY' 
'This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accomodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.'

For my Blog this means I can pretty much do anything I like with the image as long as I credit it to the author.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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